Department of Nursing D.U.TH

High-quality studies with the future of students in mind.

Dear Student

Congratulations on your success and welcome to the educational community of the Democritus University of Thrace (DPTH), the Department of Nursing and the Didymoteicho Branch. You have in your hands the study guide of the Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences of the University of Athens.

On the pages of this Guide you can find information about the department’s philosophy and mission, its administrative function, the content of the studies, the staff, the research and postgraduate activities, news about the professional rehabilitation of our graduates, but also information related to the available services of the IFT.

With the assurance that the entire staff of the Department will make every effort to help you during your studies, I wish you a Good Start and Good Success in your studies.

The president of the Department

Nikolaos Polyzos, Professor